Friday, March 19, 2010

obligatory Big star post

cross posted from livejournal

let me just say I love the hell out of September gurls, I really do.This was the most heartbreaking part of the av club newsstory:"Chilton's death comes days before a Big Star event at the South By Southwest music festival that would have found him sharing a stage with Stephens and Hummell together for the first time in 35 years. That would have been something to see.",39312/
Maybe it's because I'm tired or re reading the articles I found for my Beloved essay(which i still need to start),but I sweart to god I'm kinda close to tearing up about this. Here's some of the choice songs:

Here's the best cover I may've ever heard-Elliott Smith doing their song"Thirteen": Andrew Koenig and now Chilton.

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